miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014

¡Starting the blog!

Hi everyone who´s gonna read this ☺I´m going to introduce myself to you, ready? My nickname is going to be Becca here; I´m 14 years old and my birthday is in march (20th); I was born on the south of Spain but I´ve visited a lot of countries ´cause my parents (and I) love traveling (♥); appart of traveling, I have a lot of hobbies like listening to music, reading (I ♥ reading, really), drawing sometimes, watching films and series and so much more!

I started this blogger by inspiration on the other one I have (thewhytriada.blogspot.com.es) with some friends. One day I decided I was posting so much more than then, so was time to change and do something different, like do a blog in english. I think my english is good, but it has to be better, so this oportunity is going to be great!
This blog is going to be about my hobbies, thinks I like, and more. If you want to know more, why don´t follow the blog or put a coment?
